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AはBです / A is B

Aは B


Here is a basic grammer. This means "A is B". 

"は" is pronouced as "wa" when this caracter is used as a particle, which is pronounced as "ha" for other case.




this is pronouced as "watashi", and the meaning is "I".


わたしは ひろ


This means "I am Hiro.". Hiro is a name of person. Using this, you can introduce yourself to other.


わたしは ひろ です


I put "desu" at the end of the sentence. This is ending word to make the sentence in polite way. It's safe for you to put "です" until you understand this language enough, when you talk to Japanes people, since it's polite way to say.


わたしは にほんじん です。


This means "I am a Japanese". "にほんじん" is "Japanese person".


あなたは まいける です。


Means "You are Micheal.". "あなた" means "you".


かれは まいける です。


Means "He is Micheal.". "かれ" means "he".


かのじょは まり です。


Means "She is Mari.".  "かのじょ" means "she".