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もう メールを おくりました / I sent mail already.

もう this means "already". おくります おくりました these are the verb in present and past tense for "send". もう メールを おくりました this means "I sent mail already.".

まいけるに おかしを もらいました。/I got snacks from Micheal.

に this is the particle, which means "from" in this case. This particle has another meanning "to". It's confusing... まいけるに means "from Micheal.". もらいます もらいました the above one is in a present tense for "get". the below is in p…

わたしは たなかさんに おかしを あげます / I give snacks to Tanaka-san.

たなかさん this is a name of person. "Tanaka-san". おかし it means "snacks, sweets, candy". あげます this means "give". に this particle means "to". たなかさんに it means "to Tanaka-san". わたしは たなかさんに おかしを あげます it means "I…

こんにちはは えいごで "Hello"です / "Konnichiwa" is "Hello" in English.

こんにちは this is a greeting expression which means "Hello.". こんにちはは "Hello"です。 this means "'Konnichiwa' is 'Hello'". こんにちはは えいごで "Hello"です。 I put "えいごで" which means "by English (in English)". This means "'Konnic…

にほんごで メールを かきます / I write mail in Japanese.

にほんご means "Japanese language.". にほんごで "で" is a method marker. So, it means "by Japanese" which is "in Japanese" in proper English. You can use "で" to express what language or character type you use to do the action. にほんごで …

なにで たべますか? / By what do you eat?

で this is a method marker. なにで なに means "what". なにで means "by what". なにで たべますか? "たべますか? / eat?". So, this means "By what do you eat?". This is used when you want to ask which the person eat by chopsticks, spoon, fork…

わたしは ぱそこんで えいがを みます / I watch a movie on PC.

ぱそこん this means "PC(Personal computer)". えいが this means "movie". みます this means "see, watch, look". This is masu-form. ぱそこんで the particle "で" means "by". It is the method marker in this case. This means "by PC". わたしは ぱ…