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~から、~ / ~, so ~

AからB means "A, so B.". A is the reason for B. At first, see what sentence for A. きょうは こどもの たんじょうび です "きょう/today", "こども/child", "たんじょうび/birthday". so it means "Today is a birthday of (my) child.". We will put t…

わたしは にほんごが すこし わかります / I understand Japanese a little.

すこし means "a little". わかります means "understand". すこし わかります means "understand a little". にほんごが すこし わかります means "understand Japanese a little". わたしは にほんごが すこし わかります means "I understand Japanese a …

~がすきです(I like something.)

好き This is adjective for "like, love". Pronounce as "Suki". And, you can write it in Hiragana, it is... すき Notice the difference from English. Because "like/love" is a verb in English when you say "you like something". いぬが すき When…