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わたしは30さいです。/ I am 30 years old.

30さい Saying someone's age, there is a counter for number of age. It's "さい". You need to put this counter after the number. "30さい" means "30 years old". わたしは 30さい です。 This is "AはB / A is B" grammer. It means "I am 30 years o…

~はだれですか? / Who is ~?

だれ This means "Who". As in English, this word is usually used in a question. Aは だれ This is "AはB / A is B" grammar. This means "Who is A.". This sentence sounds a little strange when the intonation of the ending part doesn't go high p…

AもBです / A is also B

AもBです This looks like "AはBです / A is B" grammer. However, "も" is used instead of "は". ”も” means like "also, as well". So, this sentence means "A is also B.". あなたも にほんじん です。 "あなた/you, にほんじん/Japanese". So, this me…

AはBですか? / A is B? (question sentence)

AはBです We learned this grammer already in the previous post. it means "A is B.". Next let's make the question form of it. AはBですか? I just put "か" at the end of "A is B" sentence. It makes the sentence the question form. So, this mea…

Aは、Bじゃありません。/ A is not B

わたしは がくせい です。 "がくせい/student". This is "AはBです/ A is B." grammer, which we learned already in the previous article. So, this means "I am a student.". Next, let's see the negative sentence. わたしは がくせい じゃありません。…

AはBです / A is B

Aは B Here is a basic grammer. This means "A is B". "は" is pronouced as "wa" when this caracter is used as a particle, which is pronounced as "ha" for other case. わたし this is pronouced as "watashi", and the meaning is "I". わたしは ひ…