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~しかありません。/there is only ~.

"~しかありません。" means "there is only ~."


There are only 50 seats.


Note) 席(せき)means vacancy, seat, chair


Note) しか has a negative meaning. So, the sentence must be a negative.

Incorrect: 席が50しか”あります”。

Correct: 席が50しか"ありません”。


・ビールが3本しかありません。 There are only 3 cans of beer.

・3人しかいません。 There are only three people.

・りんごが9個(こ)しかありません。 There are only 9 apples.



 You can use "しか" for verb.


歩(ある)く しか ない  All choices I have is to walk.


Verb + しか ない

All choices I have is to "Verb".


会社に 行く しか ない 

All choices I have is to go to the office.


勉強(べんきょう)する しか ない

 All choices I have is to study.


よく 寝(ね)る しか ない

All choices I have is to sleep.


風邪を 治(なお)す ため には、よく 寝(ね)る しか ない

Due to heal cold, all choices I have is to sleep well.



Due to become better at Japanese, all choices I have is to study hard.


Note) 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)try hard


眠(ねむ)い です が、仕事(しごと)を 頑張(がんば)る しか ない。

Though I'm sleepy, all choices I have is to try hard to work.