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本を読みます / I read a book.


This can be write "ほん" in Hiragana. "本 / book". 




This can be write "よみます" in Hiragana. "読みます / read".




Connecting these words. "本 / ほん / book" is the object. So you need to put "を" to the object right after it as "本を". "を" is an object marker which you can difine the word before the particle "を" as the object in the sentence. This sentence, as a whole, means "I read a book.".




"パン / ぱん / bread, 食べます/ たべます / eat". The sentence means "I eat a bread.". "パン" is the object here, so you put "を" after "パン".




"が" is put at the end of the previous sentence. "か" can make a sentence a question. So, this means "(Do you) eat a bread?".




”お酒(おさけ)/ booze, alcoholic drink”. "飲みます(のみます)/ drink". This sentence means "(Do you) drink alcoholic drink?".


ぎゅうにゅうを のみます


"ぎゅうにゅう / milk". This means "I drink milk.".


やさいを たべます


"やさい / vegitable". This means "I eat vegitable.".


みずを のみます。


"みず / water". This means "I drink water.".